set of body brushes and pumice on marble surface
Photo by Diana Light on

You’ve probably heard the buzz around clean beauty: being more sustainable and conscious of not only what we put in and on our body, but how it affects the earth and the collective as a whole. And while it’s not necessarily something new, transitioning to a more holistic lifestyle can be intimidating.

If you’ve headed down the rabbit hole of the beauty world, you might think you need to throw out all of your old products and start fresh. That’s not realistic for the average individual. Why? Uhm, products are expensive and there is some research involved! 

Being conscious of your choices is the first (and hardest) step. Once you’ve realized that your products were not created in you and the planet’s best interest, it’s hard to unsee that. Starting small is best, though it’s normal to want to get it all done at once. If your pocket allows for it, do it.

If you are unable to throw out your current products and replace them with more sustainable ones or you are not sure where to start, keep reading. Here are some tips to help you begin your transition to sustainable beauty. You’ll feel like you have control over the transition and won’t lose sight of your end goal. When you find you have a little extra money in your pocket, you can add more products to your repertoire. Before you know it, your entire inventory will be switched out. Your mind, body, soul AND planet will thank you for it!

Support Sustainable Beauty Locals

close up shot of a text on white paper
Photo by Eva Bronzini on

This one is a biggie! Why? Because your neighbors and your community are filled with people like you and me, and for the most part, they actually give a damn. Big corporations are profit focused, and unfortunately the ‘little people’ seem to always be on the receiving end of the metaphorical shit stick (though it doesn’t seem so metaphorical at this point, but that’s for another time). 

Your local vendors are not only more likely to pour back into the community, but they are creating products because they care about people like you and me. There are many reputable smaller businesses and people committed to products for the people and the planet. 

While corporations have increasingly pivoted their focus towards sustainable products and adopting a more organic presence, many are lacking a community mindset. Unfortunately, not all of them have your or my best interest at heart and they may contribute to other like minded entities. Greenwashing is a real thing. So it’s better to be safe, than sorry.

So yeah, I know we’ve all heard the “Support Local” speech. But this is truly a critical step when transitioning to sustainable beauty and ultimately, a sustainable lifestyle as a whole. 

Swap Products Where You Can!

Shampoo and Conditioner can be a little costly at first if you’re looking to switch those out first. And if you’re used to purchasing the shampoos from the drug store, sustainable products might take you and your wallet by surprise. 

Begin small! Soap is such a great place to start. It’s inexpensive and there are even easy peasy recipes if you’d rather make some yourself.

A brush is another great place to start. Bamboo and boar bristle brushes are excellent at distributing our natural hair oils, scalp stimulation, eliminating static, and are biodegradable at the end of their life span. Plastic brushes can snag hair strands, causing breakage, and create small abrasions amongst the scalp.

Next, you can move on to the shampoos and conditioners. There are so many options out there, so I suggest doing your research on a business and making sure it aligns with you! If you don’t hang out with people you dislike, I wouldn’t suggest hanging out with a business you don’t like either. 

When looking to replace any of your products, check the ingredients. Make sure there are no phthalates, sulfates, parabens and other names for ingredients you don’t recognize. Packaging is just as important. Is it coming in a plastic bottle? Aluminum? Or, is it in bar form? Products in bar form are probably your most price savvy option, but it all comes down to personal preference. Aluminum is easily recyclable, as is glass. Plastic can be tricky. Although, there are some plastics, like post consumer recycled plastic that are more sustainable and have been reused.

Make Sustainable Beauty Yourself!

A fun way to express your creativity and lower your cost significantly. DIY!

When I began creating my own products, I had most of my ingredients already in my kitchen cabinet. Hair masks, face washes, body oils, bath salts and toothpaste were the easiest and quickest for me to create. It’s such a great place to start even for those who are more easily intimidated or overwhelmed by the sustainability transition. 

And once you get the hang of it, you are able to put a personal twist on it. These will even make great holiday and birthday gifts for friends and family. Even better, have an at home spa day with the people you love!

Reuse Your Old Beauty Containers

vase with decorative leaves and container with cotton buds
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Especially if you like to DIY! It beats spending the extra money on containers. Once you finish a product, repurpose your containers. Many are able to be soaked in warm water for a short amount of time and then scrubbed with dish soap to remove the label. I personally like to use old body butter jars or even glass food jars.

Add Essential Oils

sliced citrus fruits
Photo by doTERRA International, LLC on

Have you ever seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding? The father uses Windex for everything. Dirty Windows? Windex. Pimple? Windex. Broken heart? Windex.

You’re probably thinking ‘what’s her point?’. My point is that the way he feels about Windex is the exact way I feel about essential oils. There’s literally an essential oil for everything, and you can mix and match. Just be sure to use a carrier oil!

Truth be told, there were some times I couldn’t find the motivation to create anything, and I didn’t have the money to buy the eco-friendly products I wanted. I would mix certain essential oils into products (skin and hair care) I already had, to reap some of the amazing benefits. Check out my post on 5 Essential Oils to Add into Your Hair Care to learn more!

Expect a Detox Period!

After using beauty products filled with chemicals, sulphates, and other toxins, switching to more sustainable beauty products could trigger your body to go into a detox period. The body naturally does this as a way to rid of foreign toxins. I know it can be tough to go through, as your hair and skin may feel more oily, but trust the process.

This detox or purge period is your body’s natural defense to heal itself, and it can only do so if you follow through. I promise, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it is so worth it.

Remember, change doesn’t happen overnight. Be patient with yourself during this transition and remember there are other valuable takeaways during this time.

Other than the benefit of using products that are better for you and the planet, there’s a deeper connection with your beauty rituals once you introduce sustainability.

Maybe it’s just me, but my mind, body, and soul feel lighter when it comes to using products created by myself or a member of my community. It radiates a different energy. A comforting energy.

And while sustainable beauty products may not last forever because the lack of preservatives to extend the shelf life, it makes sense. As we see through nature, nothing is supposed to last forever. Everything has its cycle. Let’s be grateful that nature provides us with the necessary for right now, and put an end to what’s not serving us or our Mother Earth.