If you haven’t heard of spiritual hair care, you’ve come to the right spot.

Here’s some background… Your hair is a gift. More of a spiritual gift, actually. It’s like your human antenna. Or whiskers even.

And being that it’s an extension of your nervous system, your hair collects and stores energetic frequencies from your surroundings and triggers your fight or flight if need be. Like when you get goosebumps and the pit in your stomach; something is off and it’s time to go.

spiritual hair care
Photo by John Diez on Pexels.com

Our hair plays a pretty big part in our individual intuition providing “us with a ‘gut’ response – an inner voice – beyond logic or learned responses, revealing both who we are and the knowledge we have gained. If we listen, we can benefit from the creativity it offers and the feeling of confidence that it brings.

It’s our link to finding our place in this world, and how we learn to trust in ourselves and stand in our power.

If you take care of your hair, it going to take care of you. The intent behind spiritual hair care is empowerment, connection and being you to the fullest.

Your Hair Keeps Score, too.

Your hair is your personal time capsule recording everything that surrounds you, whether you can see it or not. It should be considered a sixth sense.

Being an extension of your nervous system, every experience or encounter in your life leaves an emotional and energetic imprint in your hair. And when you come in contact with similar frequencies, your system checks its record to see if fight or flight should be triggered. It’s a survival cheat code to back up your other five senses.

The average person has hair that grows about 1/2″ monthly, giving you about six inches in additional length each year ( unless you’re getting your regular trims and shape ups). But think, that’s a lot of events your hair is holding on to.

Personally, my hair is about thirty inches long. That means the ends of my hair are about 5 years old. I’ve had a numerous amount of experiences in the last few years, some great and some I wish to forget.

This is why some of you might find yourself changing up your hairstyles or doing a drastic haircut when transitioning to new chapters of your life or leaving old patterns in the past.

Maybe no one experiences the world to the exact degree that you do. But your hair holds the energy of your experiences and stores it as wisdom. Which is why your intuition has your best interest.

And that’s your superpower.

The Importance of Spiritual Hair Care

Spirituality deepens our connection with the divine and the world around us, intentionally. And that intention behind it is what helps you to find your authenticity, or true you.

Your hair is a gift that helps you to process information that you are unable to determine with your basic five senses. When you get that gut feeling that you should be somewhere – or not- that’s because your hair is picking up those energetic senses and frequencies in the environment. They don’t say trust your gut for no reason. 

The best way to strengthen that power is by using natural, non synthetic products.

Many products today, unfortunately, are made with harsh chemicals, PFAs, alcohol, sulfates, and parabens. There’s plenty of products on the market that claim to be organic and non toxic. Some are profit driven and hoping on the greenwashing bandwagon. All those toxins on your hair are storing too many low energy ingredients in your system.

Lower vibrational ingredients and products with bad intentions attack and block the flow of the hair-tuitive communication system.

Nature is the Best Nurturer

woman walking under green tree
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Your hair care’s gotta be in tune with the frequencies of nature since we’re all energetically interconnected. Similarly, you’ve got to apply this to what goes into your body. Nature contains the vitamins, minerals and general nutrients you need for ultimate hair, mind, body, and spirit health.

If you find yourself caught up in the whirlwind that is life, look to nature.

Your hair care doesn’t need to be over complicated. You don’t need to worry about sustainability or unintended consequences like toxin spills or endocrine disruptors, because all living organisms on Earth share a common genetic heritage which is why it is important to reconnect with nature.

How to Get Started

  • Start with the basics. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying too many things at once. For me, hair masks or oil treatments are among the easiest to make and don’t require boat loads of ingredients- plus I can relax after it’s been applied!
  • Add essential oils. They provide excellent benefits using oils extracted from plants, and promote various avenues for healing and self-connection.
  • Get creative with nature. Once you feel comfortable with the basics, you can get into more complex recipes using fruits, herbs, minerals, oils or fats and more.
  • Start a ritual. Supporting your journey with positive intention boosts motivation and keeps you grounded.
  • Give back. Nature serves us with everything we need for survival, but there should be a healthy balance of give and take. Don’t be greedy and take only what you need. Or plant a mini garden to replenish what you use and sustain your needs.
  • Throw away the toxins. Check your ingredients on your product labels. Make sure you have an understanding of what is going into your hair. Is this supporting you or harming you?
  • Crown Chakra Care. This energetic wheel is your bridge from the physical to the spiritual world. This chakra is protected under your hair and scalp. Scalp treatments will help to remove blocked energies, enhance connection and instill trust.

Harness Your Power

Spiritual hair care is how you honor your gifts and align with you true power resulting in the utmost trust in yourself. Leave the toxic products to the wayside and trust in nature’s ability to heal your gifted power.

Have you heard of spiritual hair care before? If so, how do you practice it?