Did you know that August was coined as National Wellness month? And wellness is a huge part of the hair wellness journey.

National Wellness Month; Honoring The Journey

In this post, we’ll define wellness, its importance, and how you can create harmony along your journey. I’ll even share with you eight ways that I personally practice wellness to keep my spirits high, and stress levels low.

So if you’re still with me and up for the adventure, let’s take a scroll to the next section!

What is Wellness?

According to PubMed, wellness is a holistic integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well being.

But, if you look at it on a deeper level, it’s about living your life to the fullest, while taking care of yourself so you can become the best version that you can be. Present and future.

And eventually, you can guide those around you to do that same.

Why is National Wellness Month Important?

Self care and reducing the stress in our lives should be a focal point throughout the entire year, not just the month of August.

But if you haven’t been introduced to the world of wellness yet, there’s no better time to dip your toes in the water than this National Wellness Month.

August gives off Sunday energy. Before you roll your eyes, let me explain.

It’s a transitional time between the summer vacations and the upcoming extracurriculars and rigid schedules. Similar to how Sundays are still the weekend, but many of us use them to prep for the week.

Hopefully that cleared up any confusion for ya.

Just think, if you didn’t take the time to set yourself up for success, your weeks feel chaotic and completely out of whack.

Don’t think it would make much of a difference? Move onto the next section to see just how much it impacts you.

The Impact Of Wellness

It’s a daily necessity. Why? It helps you to cope with challenges in both work and home.

Wellness itself has been proven to lower your chance of chronic disease, strengthen your immune system, and overall vitality.

Stress is among the leading cause of many diseases, and ailments, including hair loss!

Without sufficient self care, you may end up harming yourselves and the local community you serve.

Finding Harmony During National Wellness Month

When it comes to wellness you might be thinking it’s just more to add to your plate. Fortunately, it’s not about balancing or juggling a whole bunch of things.

Instead, you should focus more on creating harmony during national wellness month.

There are 8 interdependent factors that play a role in your wellbeing. Checkout the brief summary of each, below:

1. Physical Wellness

Life takes a toll on your body. Especially if you have a job where your body is considered your tool.

Being a hair stylist, and even a beauty professional requires long hours on your feet. And repeated motions which strain certain muscles.

Moving your body in ways that are ergonomic can prevent injuries.

At the same time, it’s important to focus on staying active and keeping your body moving- either by stretching, daily exercise or some strength training- no matter what your occupation is.

2. Intellectual Wellness

Continuing education is super important in this ever changing world. Whatever industry you’re in, remaining up to date on trends, techniques, and tools can fast forward your success.

In the hair world, there are so many avenues you can take, other than working in a salon.

Virtual or in person classes, reading books, magazines, or researching online are great ways to up your skill.

Knowledge is power. And, in my opinion, the best way to spark new creative ideas.

3. Emotional

Working in the business of ‘people’, providing services to enhance wellbeing is a lot on your mental and emotional state.

Imagine: coming in contact with multiple personalities, different energies. Not to mention long days on your feet. Daily exposure to chemicals. No health insurance. There will be days you’re not sure if you are cut out for your chosen profession

Having the proper outlet and a good support system around you can help you to regulate your emotions, vent, and ensure you’re ready for the next day.

4. Social Wellness

This sort of goes with the section above. Between talking to clients, co worker drama and always feeling “on”, it can be an overstimulating environment. Especially if you are an introvert like me.

There are times I come home and want to be a hermit in complete silence. My family will often find me sitting in the dark like a mushroom (that’s what my gram would tell me since I was little).

It’s important that you make time to get out and be social, whether that’s spending time with family or friends. It’s a good way to break up the monotony of work life. You don’t want to build any resentment towards your career or the industry.

5. Vocational

Now, vocational wellness is all about your career and your goals. You can either follow a path that’s already made or pave your own.

Are you fine with where you are, or do you have big dreams to fulfill.

Industries are always evolving, and it’s up to us to help this jungle flourish.

6. Financial Wellness

Being a hair stylist or beauty professional is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time to develop your skills, build clientele, and start making a decent living.

It requires hard work, though many will think you’re just playing hair and makeup.

Additionally, you will have to find a budget that works for you. There are slow seasons in this industry and many places may not offer health coverage.

As with many industries, there’s always the chance of layoffs. Unfortunately, I know that experience all too well. It happened to me twice in one year while working for the corporate side of beauty companies. But it’s what sparked this hair wellness journey.

Ultimately, you’ll need to set realistic goals, stick to a budget and find what aligns with you.

7. Spiritual

Make sure you take a step back every so often and make sure you’re still traveling down the path you intended to. It’s true what they say, ‘hind sight is always 20/20’.

Create the space for yourself to figure out, align, and honor your soul’s mission.

8. Environmental Wellness

In the hair industry alone, waste is a big issue. Personally, I believe our professional and personal lives should be respective of all living things, whichever industry you choose to be in.

While this includes nature, it even covers your social environment. Finding your tribe on your journey is just as important as how you treat the earth. This helps you attract your specific type of client along with how you will be perceived by others in the business.

These eight dimensions of wellness are going to be extremely important as you move forward in your journey. But luckily, you don’t need perfect balance between them.

Instead, place emphasis on the ones you value you most, and find harmony within your lifestyle.

If you’d like to see how I honor National Wellness Month- and wellness year round, continue on to the next section.

Honoring National Wellness Month As A Beauty Professional

My hair wellness journey actually started in 2022. I was laid off for the first time in my career as I was trying to work my way up the corporate beauty ladder.

The stress took a huge toll on my daily mood, physical & emotional health, how I viewed others and even my hair health.

In the below sections, I’ll share examples of how I upped my wellness game, creating harmony between multiple wellness factors.

Start Journaling

Creating a zen space

I’ll be honest, I’m fairly consistent when it comes to journaling, but I may skip a few days here and there.

This is a great way for me to make sense of everything throughout the day.

Sometimes I’ll have a 15 minute “brain shit”– the opposite of a brain fart.

During that time I write any and everything that comes to mind. And no, it doesn’t have to make sense in the slightest. No one else is going to read it.

Journaling helps me vent, communicate and reorganize my thoughts. Once you write it down, it frees up brain space. You can even set career goals, and jot random ideas.

Visit Local Farmer’s Markets

Easton Public Market

Part of the hair wellness journey means taking care of your body and mind. And to do that, you need nutrient dense fuel.

Unfortunately, a lot of big name stores are selling genetically modified foods which is a common reason for our quick deterioration.

That aside, you can support local businesses and start to form your close knit village. I like the farmers market in Easton, and sometimes I’ll even go to Lancaster (Amish Country) if I have more time.

Read Something Enticing

Escaping is definitely my favorite coping mechanism. But I can’t always pack up my stuff, leaving my responsibilities behind, to go on a random road trip for a week or two.

That is unless it’s in a book.

Reading is my escape route. I can transport to another setting, time period, or a different set of issues.

But I can also learn, about whatever I’m interested in, plus develop certain skills.

It scratches my brain in a way that’s addicting. And it’s also a great way to keep the creative juices flowing.

Exploring My Community

Sunflowers for National Wellness Month
Fresh Cut Sunflowers

I’m an explorer by nature. I love taking the road less traveled.

I live in the Poconos, in northeast PA, which is a tourist haven for NY and Philly city folks.

Though it’s quite overwhelming especially during the summer months, the gives me a chance to adventure on the back roads.

Believe it or not, that’s how I find a lot of hidden gems.

DIY Cosmetics & Hair Treatments

National Wellness Month DIY Cosmetics
Handmade crafts @atouchof_qi

The days I can dedicate to self care, I love to go all in. Sometimes I just feel crafty.

Between soaps, lotions, body oils, scalp & hair oil treatments, and diy deep conditioners -I love getting creative with my summer hair rituals.

It’s also a way for me to know exactly what ingredients are gonna be absorbed into my body. And it brings a nostalgic feeling- since I grew up doing at home spa treatments with my mom and grandma.

Start A Beauty Garden

Gardening is my way of feeling connected with nature and keeping myself grounded, while promoting environmental wellness. But unfortunately, where I live doesn’t get much sunlight.

I started a beauty garden– indoors for now- with plants and herbs that either enhance wellness or can be used in the diy cosmetics I mentioned above.

Day Trip With A Friend

It’s easy for me to get sucked into the hamster wheel of life. Wake up, go to work, grocery shopping, cook dinner, shower, bed. And repeat.

Being an adult is certainly not as fun as they said it would be. So, it’s especially important for me to get out every once in a while to break up the monotony and not lose my sanity.

Sometimes, ya just gotta spend the day with a close friend and bullshit like old times. And it’s even better when you do it at a winery or with a plate of wings in front of you!

Either way, that’s a stress free day we all deserve.

Discover A New Place

Nashville, TN @ The Gulch

Traveling is my ultimate form of wellness when I’m not being a homebody.

I love visiting new places, road trips, learning about culture and history in a new form. It’s so much different than reading about it. Or even seeing it on television.

This is my favorite form of stress relief, and also one of my main reasons for getting in to low maintenance hair care.

Now you see why National Wellness Month is not only important, but how you can honor the hair wellness journey over the year.

I’m glad that you got a little insight into my personal hair wellness journey and how I find harmony between the multiple wellness factors. It truly helped me during a very stressful time in my life, and I’m hoping it can help you, too.

But, enough about me. I want to know how you will honor National Wellness Month, along with wellness throughout the year. Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time..