Energy Workers? Powers?
Yup! You read that right. Your hair stylist is more than likely an energy worker with powers.
And I’m not just talking about the fact that they could take you from a level 1 to a level 7 in one sitting without your hair falling out- uh hellllo… That’s *magical*!
Or maybe they can get your curls equally defined, volumized, moisturized, and frizz-free. *Tries to sleep standing up so you don’t flatten the curls*.
Or their blowouts that last a week long and never lose volume. *Not you trying to get an extra good hair day before wash day*..
If you understand the power of hair, then you probably know that those luscious locks are more than just for looks. Hair is a physical manifestation of our spirit, holding onto energies and emotions of all kinds: past and present. And for that reason, hair stylists can and should be considered energy workers.
Some people may not consider hair dressing or barbering a ‘real job’- because we get to play with hair all day. But, not only does it require knowledge of technical and practical skills, but also client connection on a deeper level.
We have the ability to physically manifest the client’s style idea at the hands of…. well, our hands. At the same time, we can manipulate the energy of the hair from that point on.
According to Alexander Brebner of Hairstory, “An important fact for anyone who touches others for a living to understand – our hands have an energy field measured to be 1000 times larger than the one surrounding the heart. There’s so much more to this than physiology.“
Not only do stylists work to make the hair look beautiful and healthy, but they have a huge helping hand in the transference of energy through people around the world.
The Energy of Hair

Everyone’s hair holds the individual’s energetic recording and displays it in physical form, like your own personal story teller.
Hair is considered to be an extension of the nervous system, acting as antennas that absorb the energies you come into contact with.
Every encounter, every emotion, every thought, and every experience- whether good or bad- is recorded into your hair strands in that present moment. Your hair connects you with your story.
A Form of Energy
Einstein said it best, “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it.”
And yes, your hair is most definitely energy. Hair stylists are not only connecting with their client on a personal level, but on a spiritual level as well. Every time a stylist touches your hair, there is a transference of energy between the stylist and the client.
This is why stylist’s who are having a bad day can transfer that into their work. A client’s negativity upon the start of their appointment is more likely to result in a negative experience over all between the client and the stylist.
Choose Wisely
Just like you choose who is a part of your circle of close friends, energy workers should proceed with the same caution when it comes to choosing your clientele or your stylist.
The average time spent at a salon appointment is anywhere from 2 to 6 hours. That’s a lot of time to spend with clients you don’t click with and the same goes for a stylist.
Energy workers, or stylists, start their career by building their book. Not all clients may understand the time and skill that goes into it. Negativity can not only weigh down your vibe, but it can also cloud your judgement behind the chair. Building a good clientele is crucial to your success behind the chair, finances, home life and your mental health.
Major Red Flags

For energy workers this would and should include clients that are stylist hoppers. Too many unfamiliar hands on the hair (which shields the crown chakra) can be detrimental to the energy you carry. If the client has been to multiple salons or multiple stylists within the last couple of years, you guys may not be a match.
Likewise, clients should be diligent when choosing a stylist. This can include the salon environment they work in. It should match each individuals personal aura and vibe. A clients should truly allow at least three appointments to determine whether the stylist is a true match for them. This allows them to get familiar with you hair so you can observe not only their technical skill, their powers, but also get a feel for them on a personal level.
Energy Workers Must Harness Their Power
My fellow stylists, see how powerful you are? Your skill is one thing, but your ability to connect with clients on a deeper and energetic level is quite the gift. Use those powers for good. Develop your intuition to weed out the energies that are not compatible with yours.
Clients, heighten your standards when it comes to choosing a stylist so that you may stick with them.
Who doesn’t love a monogamous client-stylist relationship? Not everyone should have their hands in your hair, and your hands don’t belong in just any head of hair.
Energy Workers and clients alike should both know how to protect their energy in the event of trying out a new salon, stylist, or new client consultation. If you are interested in Protecting Your Energy, click to read more!