beauty and wellness with the moon
Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on

Have you ever considered using the lunar phases to guide your beauty care rituals and create balance in your day to day? Here’s why you should give it a shot:

The moon represents femininity or yin energy, running on a cycle that lasts between 28-30 days. And the sun represents masculinity or yang energy, a cycle that lasts about 24 hours. We need a healthy balance of both energies.

Trying to keep up with the ‘masculine dominated’ 24 hour cycle that is today’s society, can really throw off your chemistry. Oftentimes, you could find yourself in full burnout by the end of the month.

Beauty is my favorite way of connecting with myself spiritually and regaining balance in my life.

Set aside designated time each day (or even a few days a week) to engage in your self care beauty rituals. This allows you to reflect on what’s going on internally, so you can keep shining externally. (Beauty on the outside means nothing if it’s not on the inside).

Take a look at some beauty tips based on each lunar phase!

The New Moon

The new moon is the beginning of the lunar phases, setting the tone for the rest of the cycle.

On the evening of the New Moon, this is the most optimal time to set your intentions and how you plan to add beauty to your life.

While the day of the new moon is not the best time to jump right into it, it is a great day to self reflect, meditate and think of what you want to manifest. You can do this by setting the mood with soothing music, lit candles, and your favorite notebook and pen.

Writing down your intentions is a great way to keep yourself accountable as you can always go back and look at it.

Beauty Tips for the New Moon Phase

Drink water and get some R&R!

Rest and relaxation- along with sleep- is an important part of the cycle. Now you have a legitimate excuse for naps… you’re welcome!

Sleep, along with water, helps new cells regenerate, which is needed for hair growth, skin cell turnover and proper organ function.

woman taking bath with book in hands
Photo by Monstera on

The Waxing Moon

The waxing moon is the lunar phase right after the new moon where the light side of moon grows in size (up until the full moon). You will want to use this time to set your intentions into motion. You’ll have more energy to make new connections and absorb new information. If you plan on incorporating exercise into your lunar cycle, this is the time to do your most intense workouts.

Your hair, body, and skin is more absorbent now, than during the other lunar phases. Be sure to watch what you eat and drink lots of water!

Around the First Quarter Moon (about a week after the New Moon) you might notice that your energy has become stagnant or find your self doubts starting to rise up again. Do a quarterly self check in. Get out those positive affirmations to keep you going and stick to those intentions you’ve set!

Beauty Tips for the Waxing Moon Phase

Which of the lunar phases is best for drastic changes? Yup, the waxing moon.

Want to try a new straightening treatment? Hair flip your way out of the salon!

Never had the courage to do a fun color? Flaunt that confidence, boldly!

Feeling like doing a drastic cut? Absolutely…New hair, who’s this?

If you’re looking to grow your locks longer, now’s the time for a cut. Your hair will mimic the growth of the moon.

If your skin or hair has been dry, moisture masks are where it’s at during this time. Fill up your beauty routine with lots and lots of moisture. Deep conditioning treatments, slugging, hydrating facial masques, and don’t forget to pay attention to those knees and elbows. Try adding some essential oils for added benefits!

Your body has the capacity to absorb all of the good nutrients it needs during this time. While you’re at it, take your vitamins!

woman sitting and smiling
Photo by Guilherme Almeida on

The Full Moon

When the moon is fully illuminated in the night sky, it’s metaphorically shining a light on what is either bringing you closer or further from your original intentions. This lunar phase is the time to relax and restore yourself.

Celebrate your successes with gratitude for how far you’ve come, and release what no longer serves you.

Cleanse yourself spiritually. You can do this by taking a bath with Epsom salts, using full moon water, or doing a shower cleanse ritual.

Beauty Tips for the Full Moon Phase

This is the lunar phase for releasing. Trim your dead ends to increase vitality. It’s your time to shine.

Use a vitamin c face mask or serum for glowing skin.

Try a new make up look to add some spice to your style.

Glossing treatments for hair are a great way to add shine for healthy and revitalized hair!

woman holding string lights while sitting on grass outdoor
Photo by Thiago Machado on

The Waning Moon

This phase is less about absorbing the good things and more about cleansing and purification!

Detoxes, Spiritual Shedding, Purification.

Clean, remove the clutter and sage your space. As the moon wanes, it lets us know to start wrapping up what we started at the beginning of our cycle. Engage in more intimate settings with close friends. Take a break from that super busy social life.

Beauty Tips for the Waning Moon Phase

This is the best phase for massages and facials. Remove toxins from your body and face with a clay mask (my personal favorite is Aztec Clay) which doubles as a hair mask, too!

A gua sha helps to remove a build up of fluids in your lymph nodes.

Exfoliate! Remove the dead skin cells. Revitalize your skin and scalp!

Hair growth is more likely to slow down when the moon is waning. If you are looking for the best time to remove hair, now’s your chance to wax or try any other depilatory methods. This also works if you have a specific hair style that might grow out too fast- try cutting it during this time.

woman applying clay mask on client s face
Photo by olia danilevich on

Beauty is More than Physical

Beauty is a culmination of depth and mystery. And though the moon may not shine on its own, as it relies on the sun for illumination- it sends us a message to do a soul check in.

That being said, physical beauty (the sun) is a reflection of our spiritual and emotional depths (the moon).

This proves that a harmonious balance between your masculine and feminine energies is the best way to exude your true beauty!

Do you have a favorite beauty lunar phase?