Hey, you! Let’s talk hard water. Have you heard the term before? I’m hoping you have. Especially if you live in a more rural area or get your water from a well. In this post we’re exploring what exactly hard water is, how it affects your hair, and how you can combat it.

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hard water hair

Hard water is the Regina George, aka the villain, of the hair wellness world. It contains high amounts of minerals like magnesium and calcium. Additionally, it can hold metals such as aluminum, barium, strontium, iron, zinc, and manganese.

And while these aren’t necessarily a health risk to your body internally, these minerals can lead to a series of issues when it comes to your hair (and skin, too).

The easiest way tel tell if you have hard water at your home, is to check your your shower heads and your faucet. You will notice white spots around where the water comes out, also known as calcium deposits. This can occur on dishes, too. And you may even notice iron (or rust colored sediment) in your tub or toilet.

If you’ve been experiencing difficulties with your hair recently, it could be due to your water. Unfortunately, that’s not always the first thing that comes to mind. However, even a simple hair mask won’t do the trick.

But, you won’t be able to tackle the issue if you aren’t addressing it from the root.

Common hair issues you may experience due to your water can include any of the following:

  • hair feels dry and brittle
  • curl pattern is lacking definition and volume
  • hair color is dull or turns brassy quickly
  • lighter hair colors, especially blondes, may a have a green/ metallic-like tint
  • hair may develop a waxy film on or close to the scalp, making hair appear greasy
  • scalp may feel itchy and irritated
  • color services can have a poor chemical reaction with metals- especially if lightener is used- producing lots of unwanted heat.
  • moisturizing or hydrating products have little to no effect since they are unable to penetrate the cuticle
  • unruly frizz

Hard water does not permanently damage that hair, and thankfully, can be reversed. Think of the hair as having a hard outer shell around the cuticle. So, moisture and nutrients aren’t able to penetrate through.

Does that make sense?

If you feel like your hair is dry and brittle, but deep conditioning treatments aren’t fixing the issue- hard water could be the one to blame. This leads us to our next step.

So you’ve identified the problem, but now what?

It’s time to take action. You need to start the break down and removal of the hard water buildup. Luckily, there are at home options as well as in-salon professional services, too. Here are some of my ultimate go-to’s.

Hair detox treatments are the holy grail of my hair wellness journey. They are not only beneficial for scalp care, but for the hair shaft itself. A detox can remove hard water buildup, unwanted color pigments and act as a magnet for environmental pollutants and product buildup as well.

  1. L’Oreal’s Metal Detox Shampoo clarifies, removes buildup AND can brighten your color while increasing its vibrancy. This is a true game changer! Bonus: it’s gentle enough for daily use. It is also part of a professional in-salon treatment service with more steps to elevate your hair transformation. With a woodsy scent, similar to the mahogany teak wood candle from Bath & Body Works, it”s not overwhelming’s subtle and leaves the hair feeling nice and clean.
  2. You can also invest in a 12 pack of Malibu C’s Hard Water treatments. They come in small individual packets which make it easy to pack if you’re always on the go or travel often. Pair with your fav clarifying shampoo, like Malibu C’s Undo Goo pH 9 shampoo for a deep and invigorating clean. Plus, they smell like tropical goodness- that’s The Hair Huna way!
  3. Acidic rinses are an underrated hair detox that you can DIY at home. They help to re-balance the pH of both the hair and scalp, break down mineral build up. And they help to lock moisture into the cuticle to improve your hair’s luster and shine. You can use apple cider vinegar from the grocery store if you’re feeling creative. Or try an already formulated ACV shampoo & conditioner.

No matter which style of hair detoxing you choose, I suggest doing this hair ritual at least once per week. However, if you live in an area that has really hard water, twice per week might be necessary to see results. Then continue use weekly to prevent any more buildup.

I hope I’m not the only one who didn’t realize you can change your water softener filters. Not only is this essential for preventing a large amount of metals and minerals getting into your pipes, but this improves your water flow, too.

We recently had to change out our filter- which was covered in iron sediments *face palms*. You couldn’t even tell there was a filter under all of that sediment. Again, depending on your location and water situation, you should change your filter as little as once per year.

On the contrary, if you don’t have a water softener, it is a great investment. Your hair and skin deserve it!

If I were to go back in time to the beginning of my hair wellness journey, this is the first thing I would have asked for: a shower head filter. But I didn’t realize this was part of the root issue.

According to Women’s Health Magazine, there are a number of benefits to having a shower head filter. One of which, is having incredibly gorgeous and healthy hair. In addition, this can help with the lather of your hair products, remove chlorine and heavy metals from water, improve color vibrancy, and scalp health.

Hard water can truly be a pain in the butt when it comes to caring for your tresses. But luckily, you now understand what hard water is and how to identify it. Plus, there are great products on the market to help prevent and treat these common issues. Be sure to ask your local stylist about in-salon treatments as well. These are a complete game changer and can help to accelerate your hair wellness journey!

Catch ya next time…