*Disclaimer: This post focuses on chakra balancing and hair wellness activities based on my professional experience as a hairstylist along with my exploration of the Western 7-chakra system, not to be confused with the ancient Tantric teachings that originated in Eastern Asia. 

It’s time to recenter and bring balance back into your life, your soul, and yes, your hair, too! Ever wondered how some people seem to effortlessly possess luscious locks full of life, while others battle with hair issues like breakage, brittleness, and irregular growth cycles? In this post we’ll explore how chakra balancing and hair wellness can assist you in unblocking your energies and achieving the hair of your dreams.

chakra balancing and hair wellness

Understand The Chakras:

Before we delve further into the connection of chakra balancing and hair wellness, it is important to refresh your understanding of the chakra system.

Chakras are energy centers (also known as energy ‘wheels’) located along the length of the spine. They are said to play a huge part in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The Western Chakra System is based on seven chakras, starting from the root chakra, ending with the crown chakra.

When it comes to achieving a fully balanced chakra system, it’s important that you work on each individual chakra in the proper order for the energy to move in a fluid upward motion.

Aligning The Chakras From Root to Crown

Below I’ll go over the seven chakras in order from bottom to top. Additionally, we’ll chat about the effects of an unbalanced versus overactive chakra as well as activities to balance each of them. Let’s scroll!

yoga for chakra balancing

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

uncheckedLocated at the base of the spine 

uncheckedAssociated with feelings of stability and security

uncheckedKeeps you grounded to the physical world (hence, root)

A blocked root chakra can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression as well as time lost due to worries about money, health, and other basic needs. However, an overactive chakra can lead to greed, paranoia, and a power trip.

Once you understand using the power of this earthly energy to find a balanced connection to this planet as well as to your physical senses you’ll feel at ease having your basic human needs met with abundance. 

Root Chakra Balancing and Hair Wellness Activity:

  • Get Grounded- and the best way to do so is by connecting with nature. Spend time outdoors, preferably barefoot, so you can absorb the energetic goodness from Mother Earth.
  • Start a Beauty Garden– even if you don’t have the greenest thumb around. You can plant herbs from seed and facilitate its growth, or you can buy herbs that have already been sprouted from your local nursery and set up a small area in your backyard or patio. This is fun if you want to create you’re own at-home products!
  • Make Something Out of Nothing- like I said before, your own hair care! It can be as simple as a hot coconut oil scalp treatment with a hint of rosemary essential oil (it’s so easy, and the results are worth the time). Make soaps or scrubs, or even cook from scratch. Whatever you choose, get your hands in something. Bonus points for using ingredients directly from the Earth.
  • Root Yourself in Red- whether you choose to wear red fabrics or color your hair red. Just be warned, red hair color fades quickly, especially if you have porous hair. Stay up to date with your salon glossing appointments for best and lasting results!

Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

uncheckedLocated in the lower abdomen

uncheckedRelates to creativity, sensuality, emotional balance

uncheckedYour desire to connect whether it’s with someone directly, or through art, music, and learning new skills. 

A blocked sacral chakra  could mean low libido, creative self sabotage, issues in relationships and lack of motivation. On the flip side, when the sacral chakra is overactive, emotional outbursts can be quite common, leaving you feeling disconnected from your close relationships.

Think of this chakra as the connection to your inner fire. A low flame runs the risk of burning out, but a flame out of control can burn everything down in its surroundings. Find and maintain that perfect balance.

Sacral Chakra Balancing and Hair Wellness Activity:

  • Try Burning Rituals- to release old baggage, toxic relationships, and outdated habits. After I’ve cut my hair, I now write a letter to myself with whatever I’m releasing emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually (usually around the full moon). I’ll fold my cut hair in the paper my letter is written on and burn it, followed by setting new intentions. Haircuts can be a sacred, too.
  • Unleash your inner artist– you can paint a picture, try a high end makeup look, or get creative with a makeup face chart.
  • Check in with your needs- because what fulfilled us in the past does not help up evolve toward our future. This goes for relationships, entertainment, nutrition, and other aspects of your life. Physically, your hair changes about every seven years (texture, density, and color, too). It’s probably time you level up with the products you use. Look at each aspect of your life and make adjustments accordingly.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

uncheckedLocated in the upper abdomen

uncheckedGoverns self-confidence, empowerment, and personal identity

Your Solar Plexus feeds the fire of your sacral chakra, but a blocked one can make you feel below average and powerless in your own life. If you’re feeling lost in this world, or struggling with a low self esteem, this chakra blockage is more than likely the culprit.

An overactive Solar Plexus chakra can be just as detrimental. This happens if you’re fueled by your ego and need to be in control of everything around you.

Balancing this chakra can allow you to be secure in your personal identity in this world and own your personal power. 

Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing and Hair Wellness Activity:

  • Spend Time in Nature, Specifically in Sunlight- because your hair and your body use the sun’s vitamin d as a natural Serotonin mood booster. It’s recommended to use a hair UV protector especially if you plan on lounging in the sun for longer than 20 to 30 minutes at a time.
  • Find Your Superpower– because the best way to empower yourself is by finding what you’re good at and using that to build your skill set. The best way to find this is by doing more of what you love.
  • Create a New Habit– it can be hard to do so at first, but habit stacking (pairing your goal habit with one you already consistently do) can lighten the load. Habits can help you build self-confidence. New a habit surrounding a hair ritual, anyone?

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

uncheckedLocated at the center of your chest

uncheckedRepresents love, compassion, and forgiveness.

uncheckedThe first level of the four “higher” chakras that promote oneness and spiritual truth.

uncheckedThe chakra of unconditional love

A blocked heart chakra can have you wrapped up in the minutiae of your own life, leaving you sad, insecure, untrusting and emotionally triggered. But when this chakra goes into overdrive, a savior complex might have you helping everyone around you with no boundaries for your own self care in sight. This can eventually lead to jealousy, stinginess, lack of self love and a victim mindset.

Finding the right balance for this heart energy offers peace of mind, empathetic communication, forgiveness and giving with no expectation of anything in return.

Heart Chakra Balancing and Hair Wellness Activity:

  • Forgive Yourself– because you are not a superhero, yet. You can’t save everyone else if you don’t focus on saving yourself first. A lot of times we’re our own worst critics. It’s okay to forgive yourself for mistakes you’ve made along your path. It’s okay to go easy on yourself once in awhile. You will do better by setting goals and following through.
  • Self-Care– You’ve heard it time and time again, stop neglecting your needs. You need time to recuperate and fill your emotional cup. A weekly or bi weekly hair or beauty ritual can keep you from overdoing it and prevent emotional breakdowns in the future.
  • Perform Acts of Kindness- without expectation of something in return. Maybe your mom needs her grays covered so you offer to color her hair on a Sunday night. Or maybe your daughter’s 100th day of school is coming up, so you offer to put 100 braids in her hair (thanks, mom). Whatever it is that you choose, be genuine in your actions.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

uncheckedPositioned in the throat area

uncheckedLinked to communication and self- expression

uncheckedReminds you to find your voice and express your inner truth authentically and with purpose.

A balanced and healthy throat chakra shines your inner light to the rest of the world. But a blocked chakra can leave you in hermit mode, or extremely introverted. Think your throat chakra is overactive? It most likely is if you find yourself talking more than listening and a vocab filled with negative words.

Speaking kind and positive words into your experiences not only honors your authentic self, but keeps you on the right life path, leaving the fear of yours and others thoughts behind.

Throat Chakra Balancing and Hair Wellness Activity:

  • Speak Your Truth– journaling is a fantastic way to express your emotions without fear of judgement from another party or worrying what someone else thinks. It has proven benefits when it comes to releasing a mental load and can help you organize your thoughts, emotions, and needs. Try a hair journal to track progress.
  • Affirmations– if you have a self critical mind, you’re constantly feeding your subconscious with negative thoughts which turn into negative speech. And unfortunately, that projects itself into your reality. Trick your mind into positive thoughts by starting your day with affirmations and using the power of your words to spread positivity.
  • Change Your Hair- new color? or a new style? hell, let’s do both! The throat chakra is all about self expression, and there’s no better way to express who you are than through your hair. (If your job isn’t too fond of vibrant hair colors, try a clip in extension or a small peek-a-boo streak near the nape of your neck).

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

uncheckedLocated between the eyebrows

uncheckedAssociated with intuition, insight, and mental clarity

uncheckedLifts the ‘spiritual veil’ by connecting us to dreams, foresight, and visions

A blocked Third Eye makes it difficult to remember many things, including your dreams which can give you a deeper insight into your subconscious wants and desires. Instead of trusting your intuition, you can become easily influenced by external opinions.

On the contrary, an overactive Third Eye could have you lost in an alternate realm. Oftentimes you will get stuck in daydreams, vivid nightmares, hallucinations and experience extreme mood swings.

Third Eye Chakra Balancing and Hair Wellness Activity:

  • Intuitive Hair Care– make informed choices about your hair products and rituals, ensuring they align with your hair needs. This can mean incorporating herbs for hair use, or hair care lines that support nature, eco-consciousness and overall well-being (Innersense, Lanza, and Simply Organic are my top choices right now).
  • Enhanced Visualization– visualization techniques can help you manifest your hair wellness goals and strengthen your memory of dreams. Make a vision board or create a dream work journal to tap into your subconscious!
  • Stress reduction– stress often clouds the mind and is one of the leading causes of hair loss. Practicing mindfulness or meditation daily can promote mental clarity which in turn, helps reduce stress, and promote hair growth. I’ve been using the free trial version of the Balance meditation app for the last two weeks and have noticed a huge difference in how I handle stress factors.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

uncheckedSituated at the crown of the head

uncheckedThe Path to Enlightenment, Divine Connection, Oneness

uncheckedConnects us to higher consciousness, and spiritual awareness

To have and maintain an open, free flowing crown chakra means there is balance amongst the preceding six chakras. The connection you foster extends beyond yourself and aims to helps others for the benefit of the collective, not personal gain.

A blocked crown chakra leads to isolation and feelings of despair, while an overactive chakra can trigger materialism, lack of empathy and ego issues.

Crown Chakra Balancing and Hair Wellness Activity:

  • Crown Care– Elevate your scalp care through massage techniques or products designed for ultimate scalp health.
  • Remove Your Dead Ends- release old energy and negative vibes that no longer serve you on your journey. Switch up your hair style, add head scarves to protect your hair energy in crowded areas.
  • Add Lavender Essential Oil To Your Scalp Oil Treatments- Lavender opens and balances your crown chakra. It has proven antibacterial, healing, and aromatherapy benefits, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

The Journey Ahead

So, if you choose to set out on your journey towards hair wellness, remember the key of patience and consistency. The holistic approach of chakra balancing can be a beautiful path of self-discovery and self care. You can create a positive ripple effect throughout your entire being, leading to healthier, more spirited hair.

Let me know in the comments below if you’re interested in starting your chakra balancing and hair wellness journey!