Your higher self is calling for you to transcend your basic hair routine and actively practice hair wellness. 

What is Hair Wellness?

This holistic practice is focused on the foundation of your overall well-being to achieve ultimate hair health. From what you eat, to finding inner balance within bodily systems, down to the products you put on your hair. 

hair wellness

Hair Wellness Is Not Your Average Routine

Routines are monotonous, limited, and uninspiring.

And in this dimension, you most definitely are not. 

If you are striving towards a more elevated self, don’t you think your hair should align as well? 

Hair wellness dives deeper than a regular hair care routine, focusing more on the hair journey while viewing the destination as a bonus. It includes a major lifestyle overhaul, but can leave you feeling more connected and in tune.

Hair Wellness Starts From the Roots

And I’m not just talking about the scalp.

When it comes to any concerns you have about ongoing hair health issues, it’s definitely important for you to get to the root cause, aka scalp care..

But you’ll need to take a look at what’s going on internally, too.

Gone are the days of putting lipstick on a pig. This worldly shift calls you to look beneath the surface and strengthen the foundations of all body systems to achieve ultimate wellness.

Your hair health can change drastically when it comes to any ‘dis-ease within the body’, especially if you are prescribed a medication.

And no matter how many products you apply on the exterior and how many self-care days you have, it’s only going to act as a band-aid until the interior is addressed.

Your Body Will Be Treated As A Temple

It’s a lot easier said than done, I know.

According to The Great Nutrient Collapse by Politico, our food supply focuses more on quantity versus quality.

And unfortunately, that means most of the food you are eating today is not as nutrient dense as it once was. 

Whether you’re eating fast food or home-cooked meals, you will still need a way to get the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that your body is begging for.

You can’t expect to achieve any sort of growth, whether it’s mental, physical, or spiritual, without the proper nutrients for a strong interior and exterior. 

Believe it or not, your body is fascinating, in that it knows how to heal itself when given the proper tools.

food for hair wellness

Stress Breeds Stagnant Energy, Keep Moving 

Everyone experiences stress at some point in their lifetime. From an unexpected job loss, family issues, health crises and more. 

Too much stress can cause an increase in cortisol production. And unfortunately, if not released properly, it can and will be stored within the body.

If you’ve ever been in a stressful situation, you understand how it can hold your mind and your body in a negative space for a long time if you are not careful.

Stress triggers telogen effluvium, or stress induced hair loss, which is a top reason why many experience hair loss at some point in their lifetime.

On your hair wellness journey, it’s important to keep moving. Whether this is in your day to day, in your way of thinking, or your body in general, don’t be stagnant. Movement releases energy stored within the body, especially the negative ones. 

So whether you’re exercising, need a change of scenery, or dancing in your kitchen, movement is essential for healthy hair energy

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Did you know water makes up about 25% of each individual hair strand?

Lack of water, or severe dehydration is one of the leading causes of hair loss, in addition to weak, brittle, dry and thin strands.

Water, H2O, agua, or however you want to call it, is an essential part to your hair wellness. 

It’s the ultimate cleanser, hydrator, regulator, and protector. 

It carries essential nutrients to cells throughout the body, while hydrating those same cells to be able to perform their designated functions. 

Water helps to wash away toxins and lubricates the joints to relieve and protect against pain. 

See why it’s called the source of life?

Your Ingredients Matter

Your hair thrives on many of the nutrients you put into your body, but that also means they take on any in addition to anything you put on to your hair. 

Unfortunately, the average shampoo has between 10-30 ingredients. Some of those ingredients are preservatives-to increase shelf life, while others are cleansing agents, fragrances and fillers. 

If you are unsure what the ingredient name means, more likely than not, it shouldn’t be near or on your body.

But what if you could make your own hair care products at home? That would eliminate any skepticism you would have, right? Hell, you can take it further and grow a whole beauty garden if you want to.

Imagine the connection you would feel to nature.

Hair Wellness Requires Intention

The hair wellness journey is not something you do just because it’s the new trend. It’s led with intent and supports a deep connection between the mind, body, and soul. It’s an ultimate lifestyle change.

The journey may not always be easy, but it is possible, and will be worth it. Mistakes will be made, and that’s okay. 

When it comes to your hair, stop focusing on the routine and the products. There is always going to be something new, and something that claims to be better than the last.

Build a strong foundation, and go from there. I know it’s tempting to only focus on the destination- make sure you enjoy your journey, too.

If you are interested in starting your hair wellness journey, be sure to leave a comment below!