Creation is the foundation of our connection to everything. Why? Because everything that we have and everything we are is the product of creation itself.. Creating your own hair rituals can fulfill a need for connection that so many of us are seeking out.

According to Samuel Lehane of Medium, the benefits of being more creative include:

  • Becoming a better problem solver
  • Improved self expression and awareness
  • Reduced stress, anxiety and mood disturbance.
  • Expanded sense of time
  • Feeling of freedom
  • Saving money

To be creative means you are making multiple connections.

And even though social media and the internet have made it seem like you are more connected to everyone and everything, you’re brain doesn’t necessarily receive it that way.

Stress Interferes with Connection

Isn’t it ironic how a lot of the issues today revolve around the fact that stress levels are at an all time high? Problems aren’t being solved efficiently. Mental illness is on the rise. People are feeling isolated, with less time and are not having their needs met. But aren’t we more connected than ever?

Humans are naturally wired to seek connection.

Contrarily, there is stagnant energy. And the world keeps straying further.

Instead of going through life filled with monotony, turn your focus towards something you can control.

Get Creative, Build Connection, Become One


If you are not in a creative mindset, it can be harder to relate to people, places, and the spaces you are in.

We are meant to be in tune with the world around us. You know, the concept of being one with the universe? Yeah, that’s connection as well.

It’s time for you to disconnect from spaces you shouldn’t be and places that block you from a creative mindset. 

Get In Tune with Your Hair Care

If you understand the spirituality of hair, then you know the importance that hair care plays in your connection with yourself, nature and the universe.

The Problem:

Even though there are hundreds of thousands of hair products on the market, a genuine connection is missing between you and that product. Why? Because you didn’t create it.

While many brand messages can still be relatable to you, and even present a mission you’re passionate about, you’re probably not going to feel in tune completely when using the product itself.

The Solution:

Incorporate nature while creating your own hair care.

Let’s be real, you can create high quality AND effective hair care at home that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. You can incorporate natural, toxin free ingredients that inspire a genuine connection amongst you, others, and nature.

All of these are key points for increased happiness.

Creating Connection-Focused Hair Care Rituals At Home 

Self care is at the forefront of many, many marketing campaigns for a number of beauty brands. And of course, because it’s known to lead to happier and healthier lifestyles.

Hair care is a major portion of the self care world. And being that hair is a gift that links us to the spiritual realm, our products and care need to be more connection focused.

When you are the creator, you build a connection and benefit from it.

It’s time to bring creativity back into your world of self care to fuel that connection. Not only will your hair be happier and healthier, you will too.

If you’re looking to start your hair journey that creates connectivity with yourself, others, and the environment, connect with us on Pinterest.